Friday, December 14, 2012

These Three

- Are here each morning at seven.
- Figure out how to blame the other guy for tracking grease in the office.
- Can fix some of the biggest problems on a truck.
- Work like crazy.
- Are learning to fill out their work orders with every part they install.
- Help keep us from going insane.
- Work late into the evening to get a job out if it must get out.
- Search Craigslist every evening after work for tool boxes.
- Are determined to out-do the other guy on how fast they can pull out a transmission. (And they're steadily getting faster. Gotta love good old competition!)
- Do not like working on Fords.
-Go home black, to the point where their mothers surely must despair over the grease they bring home on their clothes.
- Work like their life depends on it.

Did I mention these guys work really hard?! 

These guys are our employees and for them, I am thankful!


  1. I must say, that is one first rate group of guys there. :)

    This post is incomplete without the boss and the secretary, though!

  2. I love this post! I don't know why I didn't expect it, but I was kinda surprised when I saw how black Logan was last night! He's cute. :) I love that he works so hard. :)
