Tuesday, January 22, 2013

*Written Last Week. Posted Today*

Considering that it is 2:03 a.m. and I'm sitting in the shop, I could totally write a long report on what our life is like at work.

Instead I'm going to tell you about my husband. After all, he's helping a friend put the transmission back in said friend's truck. My husband is tired. He's exhausted. He's worn out. And he's still taking the time for someone else. I love that about him.

He wakes me up in the morning by hugging me and whispering in my ear that I am his favorite.
(I complain that he's not doing everything that needs to be done.)

He empties that dehumidifier just so that I won't have to ask him.
(I roll my eyes when he asks something of me and mumble that he could do it himself. )

He works hard to reach our goals.
(I tell him that I don't always care about what he is working for.)

He listens politely to everything I have to say, even the horrible stuff.
(I think I have to set him straight when he tries to talk to me.)

He cares about me.
(I feel like I care about me more than him entirely too often.)

I want what I want and he can just fit into what I want. This guy chose to be committed to me with his whole life. I just am selfish and want my way. And it doesn't make me or my man happy.

We had an argument a couple weeks ago. We went to sleep not happy mad. I dreamed that the rapture happened and because we were fighting, we got left behind. It was so awful that I went about the next day quite sober.

There is nothing that should come in between my relationship with Jesus Christ. He loved me when I was unlovable. He cared about me when I didn't care a bit about him. (And nothing must come in between my relationship with Him!)

My husband loves me in the same way- an unconditional love that says "She is worth it". And that makes me cry. I love this man. He shouldn't get second best.

By God's grace, I will be learn to be the wife that he deserves.


  1. This post was an excellent reminder for me. I am guilty of a lot of this as well and sometimes with my little boy as well. I also will try harder to place my husband and child first.

    Thanks for sharing Christina

  2. *Sniff sniff* It must be something some of us women struggle with. We seem to just see what we want to see, and not realize what all our guy does for us. So we complain, when really they should be complaining. I will admit, they work harder then we do most the time, so we shouldn't expect them to do things for us at home. I know I'm not married, but I already have this problem of being selfish. This was a sweet post. =)

  3. I would have to agree with Sandy GUYS work a bunch harder than girls. And I cried reading this AWFULLY DROMATIC POST. YOU DAILY BLOG READER.

  4. You are my hero. =)
    (((the above comment is Brock, btw.)))

  5. Thanks for the post Christine.. I needed that.! Not with the sence of the husband part.. but with some other people in my life..!!!
