Wednesday, April 17, 2013


For the past three years we've dreamed and tried and wished and begged and puzzled and tried some more to get a loan. They all tell us the same things: 
"You are young, just keep renting for a while." 
"You guys have no credit."
 "You have no cash flow." (I'm thinking 'What do you mean? We always have lots of cash flowing- Just no cash staying!') 
"You are a risky case."
"You have no debt? That's not good. You can't build credit that way. You have no credit card? You need to get one!"

Well thanks! We'll just keep gingerly driving through the jam packed driveway and keep struggling to keep up because we have no space to fit more employees. We'll keep working long hours to keep up and keep trying to save up everything possible so that we can keep offering a larger down payment. We'll keep applying for a credit card for Blake and keep getting turned down. And we'll keep praying that someone, somewhere will consider us capable enough of paying back a loan.

 Oh wait, mostly that is me. 

Blake decided some time ago that if a bank didn't need him, then he didn't need a bank and he'd figure out a different way of buying a piece of property. I'm just afraid that means staying here for ten more years and  we don't like that idea. And he's ok with me being pushy with banks. 
So I was.

And now I don't have to be because... We have been approved!!! 

This is probably some of the most exciting news that we've had... since... we got married?! Not that I'm desiring to be in debt, but we're ok with it for land/shop/house. Owning our own place, combined with just being able to expand and spread out and be more efficient in the shop, would be so amazing!

Life seems really exciting right now. 
Next up? 
Changes. :)


  1. I have to say, I was happy to, when Logan told me. :) See what prayer, faith, and never giving up does!? :) I'm happy for you guys!

  2. OH!!! I guess I don't check your blog enough! I've been wondering and wondering how this was going, and I'm SO glad to hear of the good news. What an answer to prayer!
