Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Rent Your Clothes

Who ever came up with the idea was a genius. I'm guessing they are making out like bandits because they have found so many people who, like me, are shocked by "how cheap" they are!

There was a time when I preferred work over cost. I now have enough work. I prefer to pay someone else to wash my husband's jeans. It's going to be lovely. Besides, doesn't he look adorable in this  striped collar shirt?!

Now when morning rolls around and all his jeans are dirty, I can say "That guy didn't bring clean jeans!" But hey, that's not supposed to happen cuz, after all, what am I paying him six bucks a week for anyway?!

I feel bad to make these poor guys pose for my pictures and I don't want them mad at me, so I snap really quick pictures. They probably will end up mad at me when they look at the pictures I post of them!

There is one little problem... from a distance or from the back, they all look the same. 
I will have to pay attention to whom I hug! 


  1. Love the group picture!!! =)
    Smirking over the time you hugged someone else and he wasn't even wearing matching clothes.

  2. Love it!So professional looking. That would be not the best greeting for you to go and accidently hug a new guy or something.

  3. I do the same thing when I'm around Seth and Daniel at the same time. Double check which tall, dark guy I'm about to put my arms around!
