Friday, July 19, 2013

Balancing the Check Book --- Christine Style

I can do this now. I'll just do it really quickly.

This is like math. I never did well with math.

Telephone rings.

Oh yes, the checkbook. Now where was I?

Hmmm... I think I added that twice.

And look... I minused that deposit.

Oh I forgot to bill that brake job. I could do that now! 

The checkbook. I should work on that some more.

Why don't these numbers match up?

You know Blake, I failed math. Tell me again how I got this job?

It's too hot to focus on the checkbook. I'll scrub the fridge.

That checkbook still isn't finished. I'm going to have to start over now. I've stopped too many times.

None of the numbers match up. I must have added something wrong. 

Customer walks in and talks.

Math is hard.

Three hours later I proudly announce to Blake that the checkbook is finished. 

"You know Honey, it really isn't that bad!"

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