Friday, August 9, 2013

Next Up: Change!

Change is a little hard for me.

Still, I am convinced that waiting for it is worse than the change itself.

After almost six months of working on and waiting for a property that we wish to buy...

We now have a closing date set!

We are thrilled. We are excited. We are ecstatic!
(And we are going into debt, but that is not why we're happy. :) )

The place we are buying has four acres, is on a main route, and has two large buildings on it. It also has a house. I guess that is probably a bonus. It was for the bank!

The shop is more than double the square footage of where we are currently. It has space behind it to park customers' vehicles that we are working on and space in front for customers to park when they stop in. It has space for the actual work bays far in the back and office space/showroom in the front.
An added bonus? The ability to have some distance between working employees and talking customers!

The second building behind the big front one is considerably smaller but will be awesome for storage.

It's going to be different owning our own place after renting for four years, but we're looking forward to the changes that it will bring! 

I can. not. wait. to move. I have mixed emotions about it because this shop is going to be such job to clean out and get organized into a new place. We have had many offers from friends and customers who have trucks & trailers and muscles & time. Finding ways to move with organization will be most challenging I think.

The house, as I said, is an added bonus for the bank because it will eliminate all our rent payments. I'm loving the idea of having a kitchen that I can paint any color I want. I am not loving the idea of living right by the shop. Frankly, it terrifies me! Perhaps living in that house will not last for a really long time, but whatever happens, I will be thankful to own my own house. And there will be some advantages of it too- like being able to walk home now and make supper. :)

There are still tons of variables, such as the seller deciding that he doesn't want to close yet, or the seller not agreeing to let us take possession any time soon, but for now, we actually have a closing and we are thankful and will just not worry about those big unknowns!

This coming Wednesday. 
Blake's not holding his breath.
That's good because I need to have someone to catch me if I faint!


  1. CHEERS!!!!! I can't tell you how happy this makes me for you guys!

  2. I'm really happy for you guys! I hope you are able to move soon? (I apologize, I was going to pray for you guys today, but it slipped my mind! At least I did yesterday...! :P ) I hope it went well. :)
