Friday, June 6, 2014

Justification for Smart Phones.

I do. I have one. Why? I don't know. Well I do know, but I still keep coming up with reasons as to why I have one, because really, most the time, I hate it. 

It's big. It's clumsy. It's hard to dial. And certainly you can't use it in emergencies. Like when my fire was spreading and my fingers were dirty and shaking and I tried three times to call for help and it wouldn't feel my touch. So I ran, hollering for help and that worked just as well. 

But that's beside the point. 

That is the point.

1) I can pay an extra 10 bucks a month on my phone bill. That's one good thing.

2) I can take pictures. Anywhere. Everywhere. Of anything. And I do. See?


3) I can take pictures of a part number and when I get back to my desk I can look at the picture and not have to zoom in on it and fifteen seconds later figure out what the part number was. See?

4) I can listen to music where ever I wish because I can have play lists on this phone.

5) I can get notifications from my email or facebook -if they are signed in- in the middle of the night. 
 They can wake me up.

6) I can keep all my conversations via text from anyone I have ever texted for practically a lot of texts! My inbox doesn't fill up at 80 messages. I also don't have to wonder what the other person meant; I can just scroll up and find out to which fact they just replied.

7) I can talk into my phone when I need to send a text and it will write everything for me. I can text now while I wash dishes, walk, brush my teeth, or even when I drive. It cuts the time in half and saves my fingers a lot of energy. They say you don't burn many calories from texting anyway. 

8) I can have google at the touch of a finger, no matter where I am. If I'm in a skeptical conversation, I can promptly find out if the person is totally off his rocker or not! 

9) The battery doesn't die. I can be connected 24-7. We all know that that is the most important thing!

10) And now, I can scroll thru Pinterest at lunch and never have to get up to go to the computer. 

Now, aren't those all lovely reasons to go get one of your own?! 

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