Monday, June 9, 2014

Firsts from May

First time getting poison ivy. Our whole property is infested with the stuff. I now have great sympathy for anyone who reacts to that horrid plant!
First time going to a movie theater ever. 
We watched:
First new couch! Blake didn't want us to get one until we owned our own house so that we wouldn't have to move it more than once. It makes our house feel so cozy! I. love. it.
First time my parents saw our new place.
First flip-flops I've ever bought for Blake. I bought them not because we love Duck Dynasty but because they were 2 whole dollars.
First time owning a vehicle with over 600,000 miles on it! We sold that nice blue one and bought the white one because trucks with high miles sell cheap. :)
First time going to Plato's Closest with my husband. He is sweet :)

I have loved all these new things- just with the exception of the poison ivy!

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