Thursday, May 14, 2015

We Introduce to you:

My favorite little person. 

And when I say little person, I really literally mean it because he was the tiniest, teeniest baby I have ever held in my life. 
4 lbs 9 oz. 
And if that doesn't seem small to you, pick up a bag of flour and compare it to your smallest child.
 "Oh yes, that would be tiny" 

 Tiny enough to easily be stuffed into Daddy's boots.

Tiny enough to not be able to fill up the newborn insert of his car seat. 

Tiny enough to not even be able to fill a newborn baby hat.

Tiny enough to stay in NICU for two days.

And yet... he was big. 

 Big enough to have plenty of emotion.

 And big enough to want to suck his thumb. 

And big enough to hang out with dad in the recliner lots.

 Big enough to capture our hearts. 

 And big enough to just smile like he adores us.

Meet our little Shane Anderson. 
We love this little buddy! 


  1. Congrats! I've been waiting for this announcement! :D
    so SO tiny!
