Saturday, July 7, 2012

My Man Managed

...But how well?

I found this stack of Subway receipts stuffed in a drawer today. And there was one more I found at home.

This accounts for eight days of the food he ate. Sunday I know his sisters fed him and then I got back on the 10th day so I guess that covers what he ate.

He did his own laundry too. Since we've been married, there have been a few things that are just set between us, with no discussion necessary. For examples, he always drives, runs the radio or any remote, and remembers when the rent needs to be paid. I always balance the checkbook, take out the trash, and... do the laundry. I was gone for ten days though and he doesn't even own ten days worth of jeans. So he did laundry. And his comment when I got home was "It's not even as hard as it looks!" From the clothes that I saw hung on the line, I could understand how he had come to that conclusion.

The one thing he felt really bad about was my flowers on the porch. They were the first thing I noticed when I got home, and he was bummed that he hadn't noticed them until then either! First he was pretty sure that they just needed some water to perk them up a bit, but since they were still brown a few days later, he suggested that maybe I could buy some more.

All this week I've had folks welcoming me back home. The old guys at the parts stores, customers, friends.... It has struck me slightly funny to hear all their comments.

The young guys ask me how my trip was and I tell them I'm thrilled to be home. They then proceed to tell me that Blake probably missed me but he would NEVER admit it!  

The older guys tell me that they know Blake missed me. "He acted lost and you could even hear it in his voice."

The elderly lady at the Ford dealership commented that Blake must be so happy to have me home finally.

He held the shop together quite well without me. And he functioned ok I think, but I am ever so happy to be back home and able to do Blake's laundry for him!

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