Thursday, April 24, 2014

Wants and Needs

Most people have a lot of wants, but I have tons. Like a lawnmower, and a couch and a shop-vac and a filter system for our water. In fact, I've convinced myself that actually most my wants are really needs. The lawn has to be mowed by weekend, our couch looks like we don't appreciate having company come, and there would be so many uses for that shop-vac. And the water here is so bad! So see, I'm really just wanting something that I need.

I have a new one though. 
And it is completely, 100%, a need. 

I need a chainsaw. 

For some reason that makes my husband very nervous though. He even encouraged me that it would be a very bad thing if I would go find one to buy, like I told him that I was headed to do a few nights ago.

So I did what any girl in my position would do. I went to Lowe's and bought these.

And I've used them a ton already. They can only cut as much as my strength allows, so I probably won't cut my leg open with them. Now at least I can tackle 'a little' bit of the 'a lot' that needs to be done.
 Brush clippers... are great. :)

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