Friday, October 7, 2011

My week

It's Friday night and I am thankful. There are several unfinished projects and our landlord wants to put a freezer in the back room tomorrow, so a little more cleaning/ organizing needs to be done for that to happen; mostly the week is over. Tomorrow is the farm picnic at my in-laws for all their customers, so we are taking a Saturday off for a change and I am quite excited! The exhilarating monotony - :)- of our shop can wear a person down, especially when it's every night till close to midnight. Mornings are never enjoyable! :)
   For a real change, Blake left work early tonight. He and two other guys were getting together to build Ford Cummins mounts. For those of you who don't understand why they must be built and can't be bought, I'll tell ya. Ford diesel trucks have a Powerstroke engine. Dodge diesels have the Cummins one. Many guys think that there's nothing better by way of a truck than a Ford, but pretty much everyone out there has to admit that if you need an engine, Cummins has the upper hand over all the others. So. Some of these adventurous folks put the good and the good together. That means parts have to be fabricated to make everything fit right. And the mounts are the first place to start. A couple places make some already and so they can be bought, but some don't really last that well and some people are dissatisfied with them. Blake and these other guys have talked about a better way for a while, but as Proverbs says “In all toil there is profit, but mere talk tends only to poverty.” They are actually doing them now. :) Blake is determined and with enough time, I'm completely confident that my husband will come up with something quite usable!
   Unfortunately the only truck that could take me home is one that I have never driven and only drives for ten minutes at a time and then dies. I hope to lock up and head home soon, but... I may continue working because it will be easier then sitting on the side of the road with a dead truck! :)

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