Friday, August 10, 2012

Smarts and Memory Loss

Most everyone would agree with the statement that Blake is much quicker than myself in the thinking department. Some people would agree that he is just plain smarter. I, for one, will say that for sure. I know, I know. We've all heard how different people are smart in different ways.

Well. Lately I'm beginning to wonder if that statement is true. Everything I seem to do, backfires in one way or another. I try to smarten up and the more I try, the more I seem to go backwards! And most of you wouldn't tell about this if it was you, but I figure I must be good for something and if it at least is a laugh for someone, then I will be successful.

I seem to be able to understand my younger brother so much more since I have lived with my husband. Ben can throw around facts that everyone knows are just. plain. wrong. And he can be dead positive that he is right. I think there is a block in our brains somehow. He also just cannot keep numbers straight. It may be a family trait, but it drives Blake crazy. When I see, for example, 3500, I think thirty five hundred and then go to say it and it comes out 350. Numbers. They boggle both Ben and I. Some days it concerns us that I am the secretary.

Filters boggled me this week. (Ben and I have a lot in common - did I mention this already?!) I saw an advertisement of someone using certain oil filters. I was horrified that they were using cheap Fram filters. I thought of it later and told Blake about it. He was positive that I was wrong, but I "knew" for once, I was right. I had read it myself. I had seen it. And it said FRAM!

He looked it up when we got home.

It said Wix filters. :(

Yesterday I added one customer's two bills together and got it totaled up to 24 cents more than I was supposed to charge them. I noticed that just as my "probably" unknowing customer was driving out, and then I noticed that I also had sent them with the credit card slip that I just had them sign for me, leaving myself with the slip stating 'customer copy'.

I can talk to a customer and then twenty minutes later try to figure out whether I let them know their truck was finished. Yesterday I sorted bolts. Blake reminded me that we are trying to run a business and maybe I shouldn't be spending all my day sorting bolts, but I muttered something back about this being something that I can do well. Measure bolt, select bin, toss into bin. Simple. No thinking. :)

Suggestions? I ask Blake what I am supposed to do about my problems. He says it's simple. Just get smarter. Yeah, it's easy for him. He has this amazing way of choosing to do something, even as odd sounding as just plain getting smarter, and voila he succeeds. Me? Not quite so simple. :)

I'm going to learn though. I am determined!


  1. Go for it Christine. Don't let Blake get the best of you.!! :)

  2. Oh my. This is so me. Things seem to backfire on me in some way or other, too, and it also seem the more I try getting smarter, the more I go backwards...I was trying to explain this very thing to Logan last night. It backfired on me though.. :P
    I join you on the trip, I'm determined to learn..

  3. Wow! You have no idea how much you sound like Barbara at times. Very funny. Don't be discouraged!
