Monday, August 6, 2012

Home Again

Two weddings, ten days, and 1500 miles. (No, I'm not jealous of my sister moving 2300 miles away from Vermont. It's far enough for me as it is!)

 Our time away was fun and relaxing, but, according to Blake, did not come under the vacation category because it included weddings. *wink* As of  two weeks ago, the last wedding Blake attended was ours and he just has no desire to ever go to any wedding. It was a stretch for him, but since he was in Dwayne and Holly's wedding, he sorta had to be there. Lanna and Micah's wedding was family so once again, he had to be there.

They were beautiful and fun and are both over, with two new couples happily beginning lives together. I love that my two best friends who I grew up with now are in the same stage of life as me!

Blake's sisters traveled up there twice: last weekend and then again this weekend. Josh traveled up but stayed between the weddings. Yesterday we all traveled home together and our caravan of three diesel trucks was fun as we drove through a lot of traffic and even sat at the toll booths in Buffalo for 45 minutes.

I'm positive that broken trucks magnetize themselves to my husband. When we dropped the sisters off and pulled back out of the driveway, there was a Ford on the side of the road; the guy, who was lit up only by the 4-way flashers of the truck, stood on the road holding a six month old baby.
Blake rolled down his window, asked what was wrong, and was answered by a string of Dutch. He listened for a while and then told the guy he doesn't speak Dutch. The man repeated himself in the language that most Americans speak, including my husband, and Blake proceeded to look under the hood and find a major oil leak. Nonchalantly Blake told him that he has a diesel shop about two miles down the road and if he'd like, we could tow him down there since we were going that way anyhow. We did. :)

 I'm glad we went. I'm thrilled that Blake was able to stay the whole time. I love being able to spend time with my family. It's great to be home!!!

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