Sunday, April 7, 2013

Dailey & Vincent

My uncle doesn't call me much, but when he does and tells me that there is something that I have to do, I figure maybe I should try my best to do it. 

He told me that Josh had just sent him a picture of a poster saying that Dailey & Vincent were going to be in concert right here in town and that out of all the shows he's ever been to, they were definitely the best! I was skeptical, yes, because perhaps like you, I had never heard of them. I searched them on youtube and was still unimpressed. I had intended to try to convince Blake to go along with me, but Blake watched them briefly on youtube too and well... He informed me that he is more of a Steve Earl kinda guy. 

Josh got tickets for us two to go and we figured we'd at least see what it was like. Blake sarcastically told me to have the time of my life. 

I have to say... that was the best concert I have ever gone too. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time and have never laughed that hard at a concert. The music was great, their humor was fun, the entertainment was fabulous.

(Gotta love $20 cell phones and the quality of pictures they can take!)

If you ever get a chance to go to one of their shows, please, please do it. 
You will not regret it! :)


  1. I'm slightly bummed. My cousin told me about it and said I should really go. He said it's his favorite band. I forgot and missed it. But at least I still have my $20 dollars. ;)

  2. I so wished I could have gone, after all the fun you two said it was! ;)
