Monday, February 17, 2014


 Desperate to finish  my office remodeling this week.

Detesting dry-walling.

Eager to put everything back to normal and clean up the ridiculous amounts of dust on everything.

Honored that my husband took me on a date on Saturday night!

Dreaming that one of those old Chevy trucks at the car show (that we toured while on our date) could be my very own personal vehicle: restored, of course, with a cummins under the hood.

[Still] Anticipating  spring.

Remembering that with spring comes mud.

Being thankful for no mud. :)

Thinking about the "oops" gallon of paint that would be so perfect for a little girl's room: pale pink/creamy orange.*Sigh*

Listening to I See Grace.

Wishing I could see my 7-month old niece.

Looking forward to the ladies bible study tomorrow night on John 3.

Smirking because my husband got a smart phone and I still have my old flip phone.

Happy now that it's not me who has one of those complicated things on which to call and text.

Learning to give grace- or trying to learn, would be a better way to word that!

Wishing my husband's taste buds were just the same as mine.

Planning my week of food out, only to come up with food that either only Blake or only myself enjoys.

Loving my linoleum.

Scheming on how to continue upgrading my kitchen without my husband noticing.

Amused that some descendant of a former owner of our property finds the hugely overgrown shrubs here to wonderfully valuable.

Hoping they are valuable enough to him that he wishes to actually buy some!

1 comment:

  1. About the taste bud thing. I know they said I was supposed to be able to train that into him.....but it didn't work out. Sorry. :( should see Cristi's kitchen. She painted the cupboards and it looks lovely.

