Thursday, May 8, 2014

"At least you have work"

...They said.
Yep, at least we have work.

After overhearing a very nice older gentleman in the grocery store complaining to someone else about how he has to work so hard to keep things going and support his family too and how the younger generation can't find jobs, I wanted to scream. 

I almost walked right over to the conversation and gave the man a list of people that I know personally who are hiring, so that his poor 22-year old grandson could find a job.
 I wanted to ask him if the real reason his poor grand-kids didn't have work was because they just would rather play video games. 
I wanted to tell him that perhaps if we would raise the next generation to work, some of the voids would be filled and then those who are working could relax a little and not have to put in 16-18 hr days. 
I wanted to tell him that the next generation is spending more time goofing off than learning valuable skills and so their highest work qualification is Mcdonalds. 
I wanted to tell him that searching for skilled laborers (or hey even ones who have a possibility of learning!) is a job all on it's own. 
I wanted to tell him that there is work for those who want work. 
But I didn't. 
So I'm telling you. 
There are jobs. 
Lots of them.  

But hey, at least we have work!

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