Tuesday, February 21, 2012


 I have read four books in the past couple of months- a real accomplishment for a non reader like myself!

 And here they are:
The Power of a Praying Wife ~  by Stormie Omartian
   A excellent and fresh reminder first of all how powerful prayer is in any circumstance, but most importantly how much a wife's prayers have influence above and beyond what she ever imagined. With thirty topics on which to pray, it is a great way to pray through the month for your husband. It not only encouraged me to pray much more for him, but it also gave me a greater understanding of how to pray in general.

Why Pro-Life? ~ by Randy Alcorn
  A must read for any and all. We may say abortion is wrong, but how would you explain that fact if someone didn't care that they were killing a baby? Do we have any arguments that will stand up to a staunch pro-choice advocate? They know what they are doing and why. Do we? Do we have the answers and encouragement to help a lady change her mind or do we even care to try? Do we know what is happening every day around us? Abortion does not make you unpregnant. It just makes you the mother of a dead baby. And that baby had no choice.
Finding the Hero in Your Husband ~ by Julianna Slattery
  Every man wants to be a hero. Every woman wants a hero. Unfortunately women do not know how to encourage and allow their husbands to be a hero and men sink in despair and search elsewhere because they are not a hero at home. There is a difference between allowing and supporting. There is a difference between watching and encouraging. There is a difference between asking and nagging. Every marriage is different and scenarios are not exactly the same for each couple, but the book gives a wife some basic encouragement of how to be and bring the change that you have thought is only up to your husband to be and do.
The Art of Aromatherapy~by Pamela Allardice
   Essential oils have healing and relaxing properties that go beyond what most people would give them credit for. Ones such as Eucalyptus, Cypress, and Lavender are decongestive, head clearing, and good for the respiratory system. Some are soothing, calming or relaxing, such as Chamomile, Marjoram, and Basil.
 Captains of ships used Tea Tree tea to overcome scurvy and Australian Aborigines used poultices of these pulped leaves to heal wounds. That oil has many uses!
Rosemary and Juniper both were burned during different plagues to ward off infection. Today the oils are used as an effective inhalant due to their powerful aroma.
  This book is an incredibly easy read, yet filled with many fascinating facts and beneficial information.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, lots of books read! I have a few started but not finished..

    Take care Christine :)
