Sunday, March 2, 2014

Fathers and Husbands

In the few years since I got married, I have watched many of my friends get married. It has brought me to one conclusion. The little saying about a girl marrying a dude like her dad is absolutely 100% true.

It really, really happens...sometimes even when she doesn't want someone like her dad.

My conclusion is that her picture of a man has been established from a young age by her dad and because every girl wants "a real man", she's going to seek out a man who fits that picture. *

If her dad is a hardworking guy, she's not going to settle for less than a hardworking guy of her own.

If her dad is an emotional guy, she's not going to notice an emotional guy of her own.

 If her dad is a command man, she may just not mind being told what to do.

If her dad is a quiet listener, she'll expect that her husband won't talk a ton but will listen to her constant chatter.

 If her dad is controlling, she may not think anything of being controlled in her own relationship.

I was commenting to a friend about a compliment that my husband gave me. I don't remember what it was now, but my friend laughed and said "He's so much like your dad!"

And as I thought about it, she's right.

He's a hard worker. A die hard. Just like my dad.

He's absolutely loyal to marriage. A solid marriage is something that is a really big deal to him. Just like my dad.

He takes really weird and random pictures of me and then later shows them to me or others and states that that is his cute wife. (They might be of me with my mouth full of food, just focused on my backside, or merely a picture taken from a terrible angle that makes me look dreadful.) Just like my dad has always done to my mom. 

He's quiet, but he knows what he believes. Just like my dad.

He gives me compliments in such a way that someone could be left wondering if it really was a compliment. Just like my dad compliments my mom.

He is an awesome listener. Just like my dad.

While I relate in a totally different way to my husband than I ever did to my dad, I'm really glad my dad set an awesome example for his children of what a husband should be!

*All that being said, I have seen times where a girl grows up with a dad that has bad character traits, or something that really rubs her wrong, and she consciously chooses to find a man who does not have those traits.
I also realize that in some ways my husband is vastly different from my dad. These are just the ways that I have noticed and found to be amusing. :)

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