Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Celtic Thunder

For my birthday in November, Blake's four siblings in line behind him- Maria, Logan, Audrey, and Shannah- gave me this: 

 "Celtic Thunder: Tuesday, December 6th, 2011 7:30 p.m."

  I took the camera along... and we tried taking pictures of ourselves. {Self portraits don't often turn out well, in my opinion!}
  There was a sign stating that pictures and videography were strictly prohibited. I didn't take any...except for before we got into the auditorium... before I saw the sign. I was seeing how the camera worked since I was using a borrowed camera of Shannah's. I got one blurry picture of the people before we headed up to the highest balcony (there were two balconies) to find our seats and pictures of the hallway.  The Palace Theater in Cleveland is VERY fancy to a country bumpkin like me!

The show was fantastic! Blake was a great sport about it, even though it is not his style of music and the first half was Christmas music. Then the curtain closed and twenty minutes later, after the intermission, the curtain opened again and the whole stage had changed from looking like a park at Christmastime to a misty Irish hillside with a castle behind. Yes, quite enchanting! I had a blast and Blake enjoyed himself. We both enjoyed taking the evening off from work! I think that I'm wanting to visit Ireland even more now. :)

To see some of their other songs, you'll just have to look them up on Youtube or go see them live. If you take the time, look up "A Place in the Choir". It's one of my favorites, but for some reason I couldn't get it to load to my page! :(


  1. Wow! We are really quite unimaginative when it comes to writing notes quickly! But the important thing is, we got him to sign it, so it's ok.... :)

  2. BTW. I LOVE the new look!!!!!!!!!!!!
