Friday, September 14, 2012

My Friend Kylie

It's really not normal for me to make friends with the younger generation such as this, but this little girl thinks I'm pretty cool. 
How can you not make friends?!
Once she stayed at my house while her dad and Blake went to a truck pull. The evening went sort of like this: 
(big smile) "I want to play with toys".
Go find toys. 
(lacking in smile) "I'm scared. I want to watch a movie"
Turn on movie. Go back to making supper.
"I like baths. It's time for a bath!" 
Hmmm...let's distract this one as long as possible. "How about making cookies?!"
(big smile) "Come watch a movie with me!" 
...................on and on.....................
 "I want Mommy. I want to go home."
Want some ice cream?
(big smile and happy nodding)
Eats half of ice cream in dish but swallows none. Finally spits it all back out.
Hmmm, how about a bath now?
Run water in bath, child steps in. 
"Ow! My foot hurts! I want to get out now!" 

Needless to say it was an interesting evening, but when the guys got back at two in the morning, Kylie and I woke up and happily said goodbye to each other.

Despite all that, it must not have been too bad because when she stopped by with her dad and twin brother yesterday, she informed me that truck pulls really scare her and that she thought she should go to my house instead. We all burst her bubble when we told her that there was no truck pull.
Everywhere I go, she chooses to hold my hand. I don't mind. It's just different. I don't make a habit out of hanging around kids, but the cool thing is that kids don't seem to notice that. If they decide to like someone, they apparently don't feel too shunned if they are ignored or too uncomfortable if they are talked about while they are in the room. I'm glad that kids, in general, like me despite the fact that I don't typically choose to hang around them. They actually are kinda fun! :)


  1. You would make a great mommy someday ;) Those two kids are so cute! Who could shunned them?
    I don't seem to hang around kids much myself, when I do (Well, I am basically everyday) I think they are pretty cool. Except when I get stuck with taking care of an annoying kid that whimpers and drives me wacko because he wants his daddy...I seem to get rather cranky and bossy when dealing with them for a length of time. Especially annoying whimpering ones. :P
    I could go on about allot of things I know or realized about kids. But I won't. :)

  2. You big meanie!=) How could you not enjoy hanging around kids? Just come visit and hang around mine, then all other kids will seem mellow and easy to deal with!

    I always thought those that don't enjoy kids were one of the great marvels of this world.

    Then I became a mother.
